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Zombie Truck Rally

4.8 ( 2528 ratings )
Spel Arkad Racing
Utvecklare: Timothy Anderson

Well...another day, another apocalypse. Seems like the end of the world and other such things are happening more and more often these days. The latest apocalypse consists of zombies. So many zombies, so deadly, so little you can do. It would really be nice if people would quit making zombies, they really dont give a whole lot back to the community...but I digress.

While your neighbors have all retreated to their usual zombie stand-by weapons of clubs and guns, you instead remember the words your father spoke to you on your wedding day: "If the dead ever rise from their graves to kill you, run them over with a monster truck." Your dad was a weird guy, no question...but he wasnt wrong. And really, what else are you going to do with that monster truck youve been restoring in the garage anyhow?

Zombie Truck Rally is an endless runner game where your only goal is to survive as long as you can. The zombies really wont pose any sort of a threat to you, but the uneven roads and the inherent difficulty in controlling a monster truck will. Use the controls to pop wheelies and try to properly balance your landings as you jump and crash into the ground, doing whatever you can to not flip your truck over.

Dont forget to brag about your high score in Game Center, where you can show off your skills to people you may or may not have met all around the world!

The time is nigh...take your revenge on the zombie horde!